Descaling Powder

Home Descaling Powder

Descaling Powder

Scale builds up due to Hard Water on the Heater inside your Appliances like Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Coffee machine etc.

  • Low Appliance Life : Scales reduce life and efficiency of the appliance.
  • High Heating cost : Scales reduce the efficiency of the heater, increases power consumption & cost. This reduces life of the heater.
  • Low Wash quality : Scales may deposit on clothes in Washing machine / Utensils in the Dishwasher, and result in low wash quality by the machine.

Descaler Powder: Our Descaler powder helps remove the hard water scales by dissolving them away. It is easy-to-use and should be regularly used to clean the machine.

  • Keeps machine free from scales and pleasant smelling.
  • Increases heating efficiency .
  • No scale deposits.
  • Increases service life of the machine.

Customised Packing is available in Carton pack, Pouch Pack, Bulk pack

Descaler Powder Can also be used to clean